It is my mission to provide an encouraging and supportive environment where women can embrace their beautifully unique selves.  Allowing me to take care of the planning and logistics, leaves clients free to soak in all that mother nature has to offer.  My  focus on small groups and individual client needs will provide participants more support and opportunity to explore their strengths while expanding areas where they desire to grow. My feet have taken me to many extraordinary places, some right in my own backyard, empowering me along the way.  I will pay it forward by providing others a safe venue to create their own experiences and break free from their story.


Have you ever wondered what you could accomplish if you could shut off the chatter in year head?  You know, that “story” that holds you back?

We all have a unique story that has the potential to define us.   Our parents, friends, families, society and the media fill us with messages about  how/who we should be, or how we should or should not behave.  Buying into this story, creates an artificial version of ourselves and often leads to our living life thinking we are one way, when in reality we could be totally different.  Good news ….. we get to choose.



Welcome ! I’m Tarita

At the age of 48, with one adult child and another quickly approaching that status, I found myself extricating myself from a 24 year marriage.  Up until then, I had consistently been defined as someone’s daughter, sister, wife, or mother.  I began to ask the age old question…. “Who am I?”   My story had taken me to a place of internal limitations.  Fear, anxiety, and a mindset full of “I can’ts” or “I’ll nevers” kept me stagnant.  As I was breaking free from that particular story, searching for my own personal identity, I stepped into hiking.  As I accumulated miles under my feet, I became both empowered and free.  Mesmerized by the quiet, simplistic, beauty of the Mountains, I was hooked.  I found the “stillness” in nature to be grounding, and learned the energy used to maneuver the trails demands “presence.”  This created the space I needed to begin rewriting my story to grow into the “me” of today.

I encourage you to Step Into your Journey, so you can Break Free From Your Story.  You are the author of this book called life.  Write it how you want so that when the last page is turned you can say … “Damn, that was a good book.”

Let us climb together, one step at a time..

My Journey

Having never previously been a “nature” girl, my journey was not always easy.  In fact, I “quit” after my very first hike.  With encouragement from a support system, I pushed through.  To learn more, please read my blogs “Where the true Journey Began” and “A Hiker is Born.”  With thousands of miles now under my feet,  I am excited to help you find your own forward momentum.

Copyright 2024 – T. Tennison